Gut Check Christmas Trifecta!

Posted: Saturday, December 4, 2010 by GutCheckPress in

On December 15, 2010, Gut Check Press will be releasing three new books. We've been working hard on these three titles for quite some time and are very proud to present...

  • Younger, Restlesser, Reformeder: A Good-Natured Roast - Just how reformed do you think you are? With clarity of insight that comes only from firsthand experience, the authors of Kinda Christianity take on their own cultural-theological movement, offering tips and tricks for all you New Calvinists. From what to wear to who to marry (and how to court them) to what to read, Ted Kluck and Zach Bartels help you work out your reformedness with fear and trembling. Foreword by Frank Turk.
  • This is one of those seminal works that embodies a significant portion of our Reformed theological heritage. We all should rejoice to see this material finally available in English!—Cory Hartman, age 12
  • Saucy Broad: A Culinary Manifesto of Hope - One of our facebook fans recently pointed out how ironic it was for Gut Check to do a cookbook. We can explain. You see, after completing the Facing Tyson Audio Project, we were beginning to feel like we were neglecting the fairer sex. The next project, we decided, would be a cookbook.

    If you’re gonna build a time machine, you might as well make it a Delorean, and if you’re gonna publish a cookbook, you might as well make it the Saucy Broad. She may not have a television show, a research budget, a world-famous blog, a hair and makeup expert, or a huge ego (yet), but she blends creative recipes, enaging narrative, and general thoughts on cooking and life into a tangy marinade of awesomeness. Bonus essays by Ted Kluck.
  • 42 Months Dry: A Tale of Gods and Gunplay - For more than three years, the kingdom of Ephraim has been in the paralyzing grip of drought. Tempers flare in the oppressive heat. Water rations are running out. Even a benevolent breeze only stirs up dust and disquiet. The masses are growing restless, while the entire kingdom sits on the brink of political implosion. And the only man who can bring rain is the one who stopped it in the first place.

    Get ready for a prophet you can't ignore. Angry, arrogant, and armed to the teeth, Eli Tishbi is ready for his next assignment. He may not look like a divine messenger, but his god is sending him to settle a score with the king of Ephraim. This supernatural thriller will blow your freaking mind. Or, to put it more eloquently...
I gripped my seat, gnashed my teeth, slow-clapped, and even shed a tear . . . In a word: whoa.”
—Ann Mulia, Comic Book Artist, author of Psychoteers and Paladin

Gut Check Press would like to say, Merry Christmas and You’re Welcome!