Roll Up (Alt Title: Somebody Wants to Be Just Like Gut Check...and Five Reasons to Buy Facing Tyson)

Posted: Saturday, September 11, 2010 by GutCheckPress in

Dear Gut Check Nation,

It came to my attention recently that there are other publishing companies popping up like ours, who intend to change the publishing business by publishing e-books, audio books, and real books.

My first thought, (after thinking that they might fail because they're not Gut Check), was that in five years you'll be able to swing a cat in any direction in Colorado Springs, Wheaton, and Grand Rapids and hit a semi-famous author and his editorial friends who have teamed up to do this sort of thing. There will be out of work Managing Editors shuffling around Chicago streetcorners, holding up signs that say things like "Will Sit in Meetings All Day for Food" and "Help Send Me to a Conference." Sad, but most likely true.

Anyway, just remember that Gut Check was first. And to these companies, we wish you the best (translation: "We must break you." - Drago).

And without further delay, here are five reasons why you need to buy Facing Tyson immediately:

5. If you don't, Gut Check Press will eat your children. (Not's a quote from Tyson, from the book.)
4. Facing Tyson isn't $70, like Kevin McBride's slippers. (It's actually only $12.99, for five plus hours of entertainment.)
3. If you don't download Facing Tyson, you might get gutted like a fish. (Also from the book.)
2. Because buying the book will make you believe in the Willie...Cus D'Amato believes in the Willie...I believe in the Willie.
1. Because buying this book will teach you how to talk to these people.