Frank Fusion Interviews Kinda Christianity Authors

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On 5/27/2010, Blogger FrankFusion interviewed Ted Kluck and Zach Bartels about their new book, Kinda Christianity. The interview is reproduced below:

FrankFusion: Where did the idea for the book come from?

Ted Kluck: Primarily from the two of us sitting in Zach's basement laughing at stuff...we both ended up reading Brian McLaren's A New Kind of Christianity for another project, and it just sort of grew from there.

Zach Bartels: Yeah, we looked at the volume and quality of books being squirted out by emergent pioneers and thought, “Ya know, if they learned the formula, anyone could produce this schlock.” So we reverse engineered the formula and put it down in this wonderful volume called Kinda Christianity.

FF: It's good to see you two applying humor to the Emerging church, but at this point aren't you kicking a dead horse?

TK: Yes, but it's still a funny dead horse. As an example I would offer this website, which is completely serious.

ZB: And let's be specific here: we’re beating the dead horse with segments of rubber garden house, filled with sand.

FF: Do you really think the Emergent Movement is dead?

TK: As a marketing item, or brand name, yes, it's pretty much dead. But as a way of thinking—that is, liberal theologically, and semi-obsessed with appeasing the culture—unfortunately no.

FF: But seriously, do you hope more Christians use humor as a means of dealing with different theological issues? And, should theology be funny?

TK: To the first question, I certainly hope plan is to become rich beyond my wildest dreams, piloting the only mega Media Empire on the planet producing 62 page Christian satire booklets. To the second question...definitely not, though theology always seemed like sort of an afterthought to the EC. What we believe is of the utmost importance. But the emergent church reached sort of a “you laugh or you cry” critical mass a long time ago. We're laughing.

ZB: What Ted said. Right Said Ted.

FF: What do you think the limits should be when lampooning another view?

TK: Hmmm, that's a tough one. I take comfort in the fact that we see it (humor) in scripture. But it's possible that one could take it too far... so I suppose we should be mindful of that and pray for a sensitive conscience. I also take comfort in the fact that there's nothing, specifically, in Scripture prohibiting the lampooning of others by turning their likenesses into Peanuts characters.

ZB: Here’s the thing: the people who are getting their hemp underwear in a bunch about Kinda Christianity also love the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. In fact, our whole generation speaks Irony and Satire as our native tongue. For these people to suddenly pretend not to speak it fluently is pretty disingenuous and reeks of desperation. As far as boundaries, I’d say one has gone beyond the limit when one’s writing no longer 1.) serves to just inject a little humor and some smiles into the conversation, or 2.) make an actual point in a clever way. When the goal is no longer to critique ideas, but to devalue people, one has gone too far.

FF: For Ted: With a last name like Kluck, I'm guessing you had to learn to have a sense of humor early on in life, did that help you in writing the book??

TK: Really? What's funny about it? (cue: crickets chirping...)

FF: For Zach, your bio states you collect Vintage Evangelica, what's the rarest piece of your collection?

ZB: It's called a “cuddle cross.” I can’t say anymore without spoiling the first webisode of “Pastor Zach's Basement,” a web series coming soon to an Interwebs near you!

FF: In light of the recent "South Park"/Muhammad fiasco, how many death threats do you expect after writing this?

TK: Zero. Emergent guys are pacifists.

FF: Where did you two get the name "Gut Check Press?"

TK: When starting a company, I recommend spending the majority of your time deciding critical things like what sort of a logo would look good on a t-shirt. We were going to go with the name Bethany House, and do a lot of Amish Girl Fiction, but then we realized there was already a company like we went with Gut Check.

ZB: The name was handed down from the very top of the KD Empire. They weren't asking. They were telling.

FF: Since everything gets a sequel these days, will we see Kinda Christianity 2?

TK: We're trying to sign Kirk Cameron to do Kinda Christianity: The Movie. Keep checking the website for updates. Also, keep an eye out for our publishing conference, called T4GC (Together 4 Gut Check).

ZB: The Kindle version is out this week; that could be considered a sequel. Also, as we say in the book, we're working on a follow-up called Younger, Restlesser, Reformeder, which makes fun of smug reformed types (read: us), as well as lots of exciting, non-emergent-related stuff in the chamber for Gut Check Press.

FF: If Ted could go into the ring with one theologian (living or dead) who would it be? Who would win?

TK: Zach will answer this question much better than I can. Though I would specify that I would like to fight these theologians in the ring in my basement.

ZB: Osteen. Oh, wait… you said “theologian.” Hmmm. Schleirmacher, I guess. Or Kant.

FF: Finally, according to your bio pages, you two seem to like cigars, what brands do you prefer?

ZB: I go for the maduros, for the most part. I prefer Monte Cristos and Ashtons. Although, being a minister who has to buy lots of diapers, I often settle for Romeo y Julietas, Hoyos, or Arturo Fuentes. I think one of my spiritual gifts is to punch people in the head if I see them smoking anything with a plastic or wood tip, as those make Baby Jesus cry (and Mormon Jesus angry).

TK: Whatever Zach is buying.