A Gut Check Call for Interns

Posted: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 by GutCheckPress in

While we've been busy producing and marketing Kinda Christianity, and putting the finishing touches on the Facing Tyson audio book, it occured to us that Gut Check Nation needs to grow. We need some new lieutenants in the Gut Check Army. Specifically, we need a couple of interns to help us produce and market our 2010/2011 product line (including Saucy Broad; Younger, Restlesser, Reforemeder; and Paper Tiger).

Here's what we're looking for:

Page Design/Layout: We need somebody creative, artistic, skilled in the graphic art of...well...graphic art, and willing to do the opposite of stuff like this. You'll do page layouts and cover mock ups for our books. You'll be compensated in coffee, energy drinks, and the rush of goodwill that comes from being a part of the Gut Check Army. We'll write a letter (on letterhead) to your advisor, and work on getting you college credit. We'll write a sterling letter of recommendation to future employers. You'll also be the envy of all your friends.

Sales/Marketing: This position is a bit more, um, nebulous. The Sales and Marketing intern will be responsible for lighting up the blogosphere for Gut Check...getting our books blogged-about, getting us on radio shows, and even setting up consignment agreements with local bricks and mortar booksellers. (See above re: compensation and being the envy of all of your friends.)

Special consideration will be given to Ted's current/former students at Cornerstone, and current/former members of Spartan Christian Fellowship. And by "special consideration" I mean that if you don't fit into one of these categories, we won't hire you.


Must be willing to take company meetings in smoky back-rooms of various Lansing and East Lansing establishments.

Must read and become familiar with everything at www.gutcheckpress.com. Must think it's awesome.

Must be interested in/excited about changing publishing forever.

If interested, please email us at info@gutcheckpress.com.